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Dance of the Dragon: Myofascial Qigong (for Yogis and other Athletes)

If you have been practicing yoga and using conventional stretching methods for some time and find that you still have a lot of stress and tension in your body, this workshop is for you. This workshop focuses on creating flexibility, mobility and strength, while releasing tension in the body, particularly tension from bad postural habits and stress. Using slow flowing movements, it unlocks stiff joints and muscles. These techniques release the stagnant Qi (energy) stored in the fascia. The movements, focus on the shoulders, hips and other areas where we tend to hold tension. Qigong recognizes stiffness and immobility as energetic (qi) stagnation where emotional and physical energy has become blocked. The movements also stretch the meridians, allowing the qi from the organs to flow more freely in the body.

Qigong increases somatic sensitivity, allowing us to feel deeply into our body, and creates postural integration, teaching the body to move as a unit rather than just a bunch of parts, improving coordination and allowing us to move with less effort.

The role of the fascia in flexibility has been recognized the last few years by by yoga and other movement teachers, but the Chinese described the role of the fascia in the oldest known medical text, The Yellow Emperor’’s Classic of Internal Medicine, more than two thousand years ago.

Dance of the Dragon Qigong connects our energy to the infinite energy of the Universe, allowing us to create more energy with less effort.